Thursday, September 11, 2008

Healthier Hair, Skin, and Nails--The benefits of a Green Smoothie

I had some spinach, romaine lettuce, cucumbers, celery, bananas, and an apple on hand the other day and then I remembered that I'd read up about green smoothies a few months ago and wanted to try one. The main thing for the green smoothie is: some kind of green vegetable(s), banana for the consistency, ice and water, and then a natural sweetener. I've heard some people use agave, coconut water, or fruit for sweetener. In this batch, I used:

1-2 cup fresh spinach leaves
1/2 banana
1/4 green apple
1 cup ice cubes
about 1/3 water

It came out realllly smooth and sweet from the banana and apple

Green smoothies have benefits such as: more energy, you're getting your vegetables and fruits raw with all the vital nutrients and minerals the body needs, easier to consume in one glass than eating vegetables/fruits several times throughout the day, easier for the body to absorb and consume in this blended state. Read about more benefits here: Ode to Green Smoothie

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