Friday, August 1, 2008

Banananana Puddin'!

So, I used the Not Yo Mama's Banana Pudding by Paula Deen a couple of years ago and it was wonderfully flavored! I got a taste for it the other day and so I made it again. I went to the grocery store and bought all my ingredients, all the while getting very excited about my banana dessert I would soon be devouring. Paula uses chessmen cookies, but I just use the standard Nilla cookies. Do you know, when the cashier was ringing up my groceries, he held up my cookies and exclaimed, "Is somebody making banana pudding?"

I said, "Yep, i am!!"

And then he said, "What kind of banana pudding are you making?? Why do you have this instant pudding stuff? You supposed to make it from scratch like grandmaw used to make it."

Well at first I was about to shy away because honestly I was thinking in my head: 'i don't know how to make it from scratch'. LOL but then I decided to stand my ground because I remembered how well received my banana pudding was when I made it a few years ago. I told him that the pudding I was gonna make is the new age pudding and that it's OFF THE HOOK, FANTABULOUS! lol.

He laughed and he said he would take my word for it. Hee, hee. Well I followed Paula's recipe to the tee, the only thing I changed was that I used Nilla cookies. Someone I spoke to that also uses this recipe, has said that she's tried it with Chocolate chessman cookies (mmmmm!) and it was delicious! Anyway, here are some snap shots of my dessert! Enjoy!

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